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Wrap AENS names

Wrap names by minting a new NFT

    actor AENS owner
    AENS owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) wrap_and_mint: map(name, delegation_signature)
    Note left of NFT Contract: claims ownership of names
    Note left of NFT Contract: mints NFT
    Note left of NFT Contract: assigns names to NFT
    Note left of NFT Contract: extends all names
    NFT Contract -->> AENS owner: 1.1) assign ownership of NFT

Iris protocol limitation

  • Delegation signature needs to be created in advance for each AENS name.

Wrap name into existing NFT

    actor AENS owner
    AENS owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) wrap_single: nft_id, name, delegation_signature
    Note left of NFT Contract: claims ownership of name
    Note left of NFT Contract: assigns name to NFT
    Note left of NFT Contract: updates expiry of name to wrap to match expiry of names in nft_id

Wrap multiple names into existing NFT

    actor AENS owner
    AENS owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) wrap_multiple: nft_id, map(name, delegation_signature)
    Note left of NFT Contract: claims ownership of names
    Note left of NFT Contract: assigns names to NFT
    Note left of NFT Contract: updates expiry of names to wrap to match expiry of names in nft_id