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Update pointers of AENS names

Add a single pointer

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) add_or_replace_pointer: nft_id, name, pointer_key, pointer_object
    Note left of NFT Contract: keeps other existing pointers
    Note left of NFT Contract: adds or replaces a single pointer of the provided name

Add a set of pointers

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) add_or_replace_pointers: nft_id, name, map(pointer_key, pointer_object), keep_existing
    Note left of NFT Contract: keeps other existing pointers only if keep_existing=true
    Note left of NFT Contract: adds or replaces pointers of the provided name

Remove a single pointer

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) remove_pointer: nft_id, name, pointer_key
    Note left of NFT Contract: keeps other existing pointers
    Note left of NFT Contract: removes the provided pointer of the provided name

Remove multiple pointers

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) remove_pointers: nft_id, name, Set(pointer_key)
    Note left of NFT Contract: keeps other existing pointers
    Note left of NFT Contract: removes the provided pointers of the provided name

Remove all pointers

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) remove_all_pointers: nft_id, name
    Note left of NFT Contract: removes the provided pointer of the provided name