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Unwrap AENS names

Single name

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) unwrap_single: nft_id, name, option(recipient)
    NFT Contract -->> NFT owner: 1.1) transfer name

Multiple names

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) unwrap_multiple: nft_id, Set(names), option(recipient)
    NFT Contract -->> NFT owner: 1.1) transfer names

All names

    actor NFT owner
    NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) unwrap_all: nft_id, option(recipient)
    NFT Contract -->> NFT owner: 1.1) transfer names


  • If no recipient is defined, the names will be returned to the owner of the NFT calling the unwrap entrypoint