Revoke AENS names
Single name
actor NFT owner
NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) revoke_single: nft_id, name
Note left of NFT Contract: revokes AENS name wrapped in the NFT
Note left of NFT Contract: removes association of name to NFT
- How to reward users for extending?
Multiple names
actor NFT owner
NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) revoke_multiple: nft_id, Set(names)
Note left of NFT Contract: revokes AENS names wrapped in the NFT
Note left of NFT Contract: removes association of names to NFT
- How to reward users for extending?
All names
actor NFT owner
NFT owner ->> NFT Contract: 1) revoke_all: nft_id
Note left of NFT Contract: revokes AENS names wrapped in the NFT
Note left of NFT Contract: burns the NFT and removes all data associated to it